My name is David Rankin and I am proud to own and run Pup In & Play. I am locally born and bred, and married to Nicola, a qualified vet.

Having lived and worked on a pastoral farm all my life, I am used to being around animals and have trained and worked with a number of sheepdogs. Nicola and I have a family dog, Rocky who is the face of Pup In & Play.

With my farming background and Nicola’s expertise as a vet, we identified a need for a local day care in the area. In Spring 2022, the business opened in a newly built facility on our land. In late 2023 we created an outside exercise area, allowing your dog to spend time both inside and out, in a safe, totally enclosed area.

We look forward to welcoming you and your dog.


Our facilities are designed to offer your dog endless hours of fun and social interaction in a safe and stimulating environment. You can leave your pup in our care knowing they will be mentally stimulated, make tons of friends and have plenty of stories to tell you at the end of the day.


08:00 - Doors open and dogs arrive - unless pre-booked early arrival

10:00 - By now most dogs will have arrived. Everyone has said good morning to each other and just like in school, they will have found their friends with a similar play style to hang out with.

Whether it’s chasing after a ball, tackling the assault course, splashing in the paddling pool or just getting cuddles and being fussed over, there is always plenty to keep them amused.

Of course there will always be the quiet contemplative ones that like to keep to themselves. Each to their own!

16:00 - The daily task of matching leads to dogs begins, as the first owners start arriving to pick up their tired and contented dogs

18:00 - Doors close and dogs leave - unless pre-booked late departure


Peace of mind for you, the owner, knowing your pup is enjoying safe play with its new found friends and our experienced staff.

Dogs are naturally pack animals, they love the interaction and stimulation from playing alongside others. At the end of the day it allows them to just be a dog.

After a hard day of playing you will be collecting a happy but sleepy dog, which will lead to a quiet evening for all.


We offer an open play environment however a separate side pen is available for initial introductions and to give your dog a chance to get used to the new environment and to meet the pack safely

All dogs over the age of 12 weeks are welcome

All dogs MUST be fully vaccinated, including having a valid Kennel Cough vaccination, given within the 12 months prior to the booking

If you wish to enrol your dog into our day care, there will a comprehensive form to fill out prior to first visit. We will also require to see vaccination certificates on your dogs first visit and also after any subsequent re-vaccination

We strongly recommend that you have adequate insurance cover in place for your dog.